What's up guys! Let's hit 1000 likes! Check out my website! https://malwarewatch.org Today I am gonna show you the most secure folder you can even make in Windows! Visual basic script code (remove the /* */): /* Dim arg, WSHShell, fsobj, file, link Set arg = WScript.Arguments Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set fsobj = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If arg.Length = 0 Then WSHShell.Popup "Drag & Drop a folder on this file, else the argument is NULL" End If If arg.Length (more than, youtube doesn't allow us put angled brakets here) 0 Then fsobj.GetFolder(arg(0)).Attributes = 1 Set file = fsobj.OpenTextFile(arg(0) + "\desktop.ini", 2, True) file.Write "[.ShellClassInfo]" + vbCrLf file.Write "CLSID2={0AFACED1-E828-11D1-9187-B532F1E9575D}" + vbCrLf file.Write "Flags=2" + vbCrLf file.Close Set link = WSHShell.CreateShortcut(arg(0) + "\target.lnk") link.TargetPath = arg(0) + "\desktop.ini" link.Save WSHShell.Popup "Done!" End If */ Still have any questions? Send them to realendermanch@gmail.com! Wish you to have a great day! #endermanch #experiments #folder #safe #security